Bright news at con-pearl – opening of the new solar park

Symbolic opening of the new con-pearl solar park

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, we celebrated a significant milestone at con-pearl: the opening of our new solar park in Geismar!

But why is this solar park so important to us? Our key expertise lies in the recycling and processing of packaging plastics into high-quality, sustainable lightweight boards. This process is crucial for the circular economy and helps to conserve resources. However, recycling and processing are energy-intensive processes.

This is where our new solar park comes into play: from now on, it will cover 17% of our energy requirements – and from 100% CO2-free energy! This will save us over 920 tons of CO2 per year and make an important contribution to our vision of reducing climate-relevant emissions by at least 40% compared to 2022.

We are proud to make a significant contribution to environmental protection with this investment, while continuing to manufacture innovative and sustainable products.

A big thanks to TEAG Solar for the successful implementation of this project and to all our partners, shareholders, employees and supporters.

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